Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Life Lessons Through Running #5

Challenges (i.e.- massive hills of doom) may slow you down, but they don't have to take you out.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Life Lessons Through Running #4

"Let the Force be with you." Obi-wan Kenobi

(Star Wars - George Lucas)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Life Lessons Through Running #3

Fiber is a very important nutrient for the body and should be incorporated into one's diet...just not immediately before a run.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Life Lessons from Running #2

"Rome wasn't built in a day"...so don't expect to see results instantly!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Life Lessons from Running #1

You don't have to BE the best at something, to DO your best at it.


I've decided to start writing down the things I'm learning in my struggles to get in my optimal shape, using running and other methods of exercise and nutrition. I will call these "Life Lessons Learned from Running" and number each one as it comes to me.

Here's my disclaimer - I will do my best to quote someone else when I know I've taken the lesson from them. Otherwise, it's what came into my very own head. If someone else has said it before (or something close to it), I'm unaware. I know there's nothing new under the sun (Bible - Ecclesiastes) but I'm just saying what is on my mind.

Thanks for understanding!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Body for LIFE Challenge - Accepted!

Ok, so I've hit a small bump in the road with my running...long story short, it started with a little health scare and my laziness took over. That, combined with a serious battle with depression this past weekend has put me behind schedule in my pre-race training. However, I will not give up.

In the meantime, I've accepted the challenge of the Body-for-LIFE program, after reading Body-for-LIFE for Women by Dr. Pamela Peeke. I took my before pictures and began the program on April 5, 2010.

I wont post before pictures until I've achieved "after" success...because otherwise it's just too embarrassing!! But here's a basic description - extremely pasty, bad hair and skin day, completely un-toned, flabby body...ick!! I'm hoping the program works!! I want a sexy after photo!!

I'm eating lots of "whole" foods - fruits and veggies mostly with lots of lean protein. I'm working out 6 days a week, which includes 3 days of strength and 3 days of running (with an added run on Sundays because I need to get my run on again! This, for a total of 4 days of running.) So far, so good. I am refusing to step on the scale more than once a week...

My goals? Remove 40lbs of fat! Gain muscle strength and tone! Develop better eating and exercise habits. Maintain successes...

The prize? If I win the BFL challenge, I win $10,000. If I were a "Grand Master" winner...that would be $25k. WOWSER...I want to win!!

Today I'm sore but not sore enough...will push harder on the next workout.